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State Forking

How to save work when paths share common nodes

We've just wrapped up the most complex construction in this site area. In that page, we detailed a simplified rendition of our M3 arithmetization of Merkle–Patricia inclusion. That rendition omitted state forking, a deduplication technique which winds up saving us a solid amount of work in practice.

Before detailing how state forking works, we explain why deduplication is necessary. We recall what we're trying to prove: we have a state trie root and a plurality of key–value pairs, each of which is claimed to reside in the database underlying that state trie root. The problem is that the independent verification tasks associated with these respective key–value pairs involve certain common operations. For example, each key–value verification will start with the very same hash-unwinding step: the prover will need to unwind the global state root hash into the hash of the topmost branch node. This task will be identical for all pairs verified (even when the keys don't share a common first nibble). When two keys do share a common first nibble, even more work can be shared. In each such case, not only will the topmost hash transition be shared, but the subsequent branch transition also will, as well the next hash transition. Overall, when hundreds of key–value pairs are being verified, the structure of shared operations will be complicated.

These shared operations represent a source of waste. Indeed, there is no sense in forcing the prover to prove—and the verifier to verify—multiple copies of the same identical operation.

In this page, we explain state forking, which lets us eliminate all common transitions entirely (and securely, of course). We keep the discussion on a relatively informal level here.

The Idea

We first recall how our boundary conditions worked in our no-forking variant. In that variant, for each key–value pair included in the statement, the verifier pushed the initial liability (ROOT_PTR,KEYS[i])(\texttt{ROOT\_PTR}, \texttt{KEYS}[i]) to the state channel and pulled the terminal asset (VALUES[i],KEYS[i]+32)(\texttt{VALUES}[i], \texttt{KEYS}[i] + 32) from the state channel. To balance the state channel, the prover had to connect the above liability to the above asset independently for each key–value pair ii.

Here, we are going to do something different. We are going push just a single master liability corresponding to the state root. As for the terminal leaf assets, we are going to pull one of those per key–value pair in the statement, just as we did previously.

How can the prover possibly balance this? In our simplified construction, we only ever let the prover pull a state by pushing exactly one further state. Here, we are going to introduce a new operation—called state-forking—which lets a prover "split" or "fork" an existing state into two. This operation is safe to do, since, by induction, we can assume that each state in the push side of the state channel is "valid" (obtained from the root state using legal steps).

More precisely, we are going to allow the prover to "fork off" a duplicate copy of any given state—but where the new copy has a key_ptr\texttt{key\_ptr} pointing into a different key in memory than the original state did. In order to make this sound, we need to require that the original state's key and the new state's key agree identically up until the nibble at which the fork took place. We can check this by pushing a new subsidiary liability to the check-nibble channel.

In order to force the prover only to duplicate existing states—and not create new states out of thin air—we use a timestamping technique, which works a lot like Lasso's does.

The Details

In order to achieve this, we thus enrich the state type in two different ways. First, we add a timestamp to each state. Moreover, we add a "start pointer", so that each state keeps track of not just a key pointer, but moreover the beginning of that key, too. This lets us figure out which "stretch" of nibbles we need to run check-nibble over.

Thus, we now have:

  • Enriched state objects. Our state object now contains:
    • An integer-valued rlp_ptr\texttt{rlp\_ptr}, which will point to a position in the prover's memory block.
    • An integer-valued start_ptr\texttt{start\_ptr}, which will point to the beginning of the active key in memory.
    • A nibble-valued key_ptr\texttt{key\_ptr}, which will point to a nibble within a key in the prover's memory.
    • An integer-valued timestamp\texttt{timestamp}.

We now declare that our state channel accept enriched state objects.

The new boundary conditions

We will also have new boundary conditions. We recall the notation we used to explain our previous boundary conditions. We moreover introduce some final timestamps F[i]F[i], sent in the clear nondeterministically from the prover to the verifier. These will be integer-valued; there will be one per key–value pair ii in the statement.

  • Push, once and for all, the single master liability (ROOT_PTR,KEYS[0],KEYS[0],0)(\texttt{ROOT\_PTR}, \texttt{KEYS}[0], \texttt{KEYS}[0], 0) to the state channel.
  • For each key–value pair ii in the statement:
    • Pull the terminal asset (VALUES[i],KEYS[i],KEYS[i]+32,F[i])(\texttt{VALUES}[i], \texttt{KEYS}[i], \texttt{KEYS}[i] + 32, F[i]) from the state channel.

Thus, the state channel will begin with just a single liability, and many assets. The prover will get from the one to the many using a combination of hash and node transitions and forking.

The state-forking table

To facilitate forking, we add a new table. The state-forking table has the following columns:

  • A enriched state state\texttt{state}.
  • An integer-valued new_start_ptr\texttt{new\_start\_ptr}.
  • A nibble-valued new_key_ptr\texttt{new\_key\_ptr}.

It has no constraints.

Here are its flushing rules:

  • Pull state\texttt{state} from the state channel.
  • Push (state.rlp_ptr,state.start_ptr,state.key_ptr,state.timestamp+1)(\texttt{state}.\texttt{rlp\_ptr}, \texttt{state}.\texttt{start\_ptr}, \texttt{state}.\texttt{key\_ptr}, \texttt{state}.\texttt{timestamp} + 1) to the state channel.
  • Push (state.rlp_ptr,new_start_ptr,new_key_ptr,0)(\texttt{state}.\texttt{rlp\_ptr}, \texttt{new\_start\_ptr}, \texttt{new\_key\_ptr}, 0) to the state channel.
  • Push ((state.start_ptr,0),(new_start_ptr,0),state.key_ptr,new_key_ptr)((\texttt{state}.\texttt{start\_ptr}, 0), (\texttt{new\_start\_ptr}, 0), \texttt{state}.\texttt{key\_ptr}, \texttt{new\_key\_ptr}) to the check-nibble channel.

And we're done. The effect of this is to pull state\texttt{state} from the enriched state channel, and push it right back—but with an incremented timestamp (so this is not a no-op). Meanwhile, we push a duplicate of state\texttt{state}, whose start_ptr\texttt{start\_ptr} is swapped out with new_start_ptr\texttt{new\_start\_ptr}, whose key_ptr\texttt{key\_ptr} is swapped out with new_key_ptr\texttt{new\_key\_ptr}, and whose timestamp is reset to 0. Finally, we push a liability to the check-nibble channel. That liability ensures that the respective stretches of nibbles between state.start_ptr\texttt{state}.\texttt{start\_ptr} and state.key_ptr\texttt{state}.\texttt{key\_ptr}, on the one hand, and between new_start_ptr\texttt{new\_start\_ptr} and new_key_ptr\texttt{new\_key\_ptr}, on the other, are equally long and identical. (By "between", we mean inclusive on the left end and exclusive on the right—like Python).