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Data Types

The fundamental objects in our arithmetization scheme

Before we can explain M3, we need to explain the fundamental data types that it works with. Here, we take a bit of time to do this, even though the story is pretty simple.

Roughly, our fundamental datatypes are bitstrings of power-of-two width. Thus, we allow 128-bit binary strings, 64-bit strings, 32-bit strings, 16-bit strings, and 8-bit bytes. We also allow 1-bit values. For technical reasons, we skip the 4-bit and 2-bit widths.

For notational convenience, we will use the script-T symbols T0,,T7\mathcal{T}_0, \ldots , \mathcal{T}_7 to refer to these datatypes. That is, for each ι{0,3,4,5,6,7}\iota \in \{0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\}, we will write Tι\mathcal{T}_\iota for the datatype consisting of binary strings of length 2ι2^\iota.

Arithmetic Operations

We also need to be able to talk about adding and multiplying strings like these. For us, addition is just bitwise XOR. This is a basic operation that you can do on two bitstrings of equal length. You go position by position, and write a 1 if and only if exactly one of the two arguments is 1 at that position, and 0 otherwise.

As it turns out, we also have a way of "multiplying" our binary strings together. We will skip the full description now, and defer to our blueprint. But in the important 1-bit special case, we can say exactly what multiplication is: it's just AND. For example, 1×1=11 \times 1 = 1, and 1×0=01 \times 0 = 0.

Comparison to Prime Fields

We note that our binary datatypes are arguably simpler than those associated with prime fields, which are much more typical in SNARKs. For example, RISC Zero's arithmetization uses the Baby Bear prime field Fp\mathbb{F}_p, where p=231227+1p = 2^{31} - 2^{27} + 1. Concretely, element of Fp\mathbb{F}_p look like integers in the range {0,,p1}\{0, \ldots , p - 1\}; arithmetic is done modulo pp.

These integers take almost 32 bits to represent—but not quite. Indeed, at the level of bits, these integers look essentially like 32-bit binary strings—with the caveat that strings representing integers in the upper range {p,,2321}\{p, \ldots , 2^{32} - 1\} are not allowed. Elements in this range are called "non-canonical", since by subtracting off some multiples of pp, we can replace them with elements of the canonical range {0,,p1}\{0, \ldots , p - 1\}.

In Binius, the field Tι\mathcal{T}_\iota's elements map exactly to the set of length-2ι2^\iota bitstrings, in a perfect one-to-one correspondence. There are no "forbidden" or "non-canonical" bitstrings.