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Talks and Lectures

Informal and academic video lectures on Binius

Here, we collect various talks given by Irreducible team members on Binius.

  • ZK Podcast. Here, Jim and Radi appear on the Zero Knowledge Podcast with Anna Rose and Brendan Farmer, explaining some of the basic principles and ideas behind Binius.
  • RISC Zero Study Club. Here, Ben joins the RISC Zero Club, discussing some mathematical background behind a coding-theoretic phenomenon called proximity gaps—and in particular the paper [DP24].
  • ZK Study Club: Binius. Here, Ben explains some aspects of the paper [DP23] in an academically-flavored talk with the ZK Study Club lecture series.
  • ZK Summit 11. Here, Jim gives a talk about Binius at the main stage of ZK Summit 11 in Athens, Greece.
  • Archetype's Verifiable Compute Day. Here, Jim gives a talk about Binius at venture firm Archetype's Verifiable Compute Day.
  • ZK Study Club: FRI-Binius. Here, Ben returns to ZK Study Club, this time discussing some aspects of the paper [DP24].