Blog Posts
Irreducible blog posts written throughout Binius's development
Here, we collect all of the blog posts written by Irreducible about Binius. Binius has been evolving continually for well over a year, as of this point. Throughout its history, we've often released blog posts upon hitting key milestones, as well as about various miscellaneous technical topics. We record these here; we note that some of the information in these posts might now be out of date.
- Binius: a Hardware-Optimized SNARK. This was the very first post we wrote. We wrote this on the occasion of the initial release of our Binius-related academic paper—namely [DP23]—was well as of Binius's rust implementation.
- FRI-Binius: Improved Polynomial Commitments for Binary Towers. We wrote this post on the occasion of the release of our second Binius-related academic work, [DP24]. In the post, discuss a few of the ideas and principles behind that work; we note that that work has subsequently improved since the post's initial publication.
- Vision Mark-32: A ZK-Friendly Hash Function Over Binary Tower Fields. In this blog post, we discuss Vision Mark-32, a specialized, arithmetization-oriented hash function for binary fields. Vision Mark-32 was developed in a collaboration between Irreducible team members and external coauthors, and appears in the paper [AMPŠ24].
- Better, Faster, Smaller Binius. This blog post marks the occasion of a major update to the paper [DP24], which managed to reduce that paper's proof sizes by as much as tenfold. The protocol of that paper's updated version now appears in Binius.
- Integer Multiplication in Binius. In this blog post, we discuss a tricky alternative way to achieve unsigned integer multiplication in Binius, based on the GKR protocol. That posts's technique doesn't yet appear in Binius's live codebase, but we are actively working on it.